Monthly Archives: December 2014

Poisonous Mix – Politics and Religion
I have always believed discussing religion and politics are two terrible ideas. But, the recent two events Sydney siege and attack on army school in Peshawar beg attention and discussion. Acts like this are anti-Islamic (in fact anti any religion), should be strongly condemned. I am a Muslim and yes I am not a terrorist,...

Ban Rapes or Ban Uber
Another rape, another headline; sometimes new place, sometimes same place, nothing seems to have changed not just in Delhi but whole of India. Some people think from their brain on the other head. But the big question is how do we stop this, what are the corrective measures?The recent case of a driver of Uber,...

Gamifying Life – Lessons from Games
For the youth the word Games ring a different bell when compared to the older generation. Games today are largely virtual more than physical. Many a times we see virtual games as a bane, especially parents see them as luxurious time wasters. From Xbox to Playstation, gaming industry seems to be growing and showing no...