Happy Independence day.. Happy?

Today marks 66th birthday of my country. Today we all celebrate India’s Independence day, the day British left our country, the day our country came out of suppression and slavery. We have come a long way since then, our country has progressed to what it is today. But a question which begs an answer is are we truly Independent?

A national concern which makes headlines very regularly in India is a plague called Corruption. Back then our enemies where the British, today we seem to be our own worst enemies. Although so much has changed it still feels nothing at all. Are we running with the clock or against? From politicians to common man, all are infected by this plague.

We had and have the potential to be the same golden bird we once where. Would we fight our enemies? How would we? Does India need a youth revolution like Egypt? Are our youths patriotic only during days like today or do they deeply care for a brighter tomorrow. Lot of questions, but i am afraid no straight answers to any. People need to be shaken and awakened, we need to fight this necessary evil. We need a Revolution for change, hope it happens soon and anytime anyplace you can count me in.

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